Legal Notice for ‘Contempt of Court’ and ‘Crimes against Humanity’ served to Dr Tedros of the WHO
Legal Notice for ‘Contempt of Court’ and ‘Crimes against Humanity’ served to Dr Tedros of the WHO
The Indian Bar Association has served a legal notice for contempt of court and crimes against humanity to the director general of the World Health Organisation, Dr Tedros Adhanom Gebreyesus, and the chief scientist at the WHO, Dr Soumya Swaminathan.

The IBA, a private bar association headquartered in Mumbai, served the notice due to the WHO continuing to spread disinformation about the drug ‘Ivermectin’, despite having full knowledge of a judgement passed by the Honourable High Court of Bombay at Goa on the 29th May 2021.
The judgement was passed after a previous legal note was served on the 25th May 2021 to the chief scientist at the WHO, Dr Soumya Swaminathan due to public statements made, including on Twitter, stating that the WHO did not recommend the use of Ivermectin to treat the alleged Covid-19 disease, “except within clinical trials”. She also said there was “no evidence” that the drug helped stop the alleged disease’s progression.
The WHO has consistently said there is insufficient evidence to prove that Ivermectin helps alleviate the alleged Covid-19 disease.
The IBA’s 51-page notice, sent on 25th May, called Swaminathan’s statements “highly unconscionable, misleading and issued with ulterior purposes and deliberate intention to underplay the effectiveness of Ivermectin in treating the Covid-19 patients as well as its use as a prophylaxis and to dissuade people from using this drug by creating doubts in the minds of people around safety of Ivermectin”.
The association called for action under sections 302 (punishment for murder), 304 (II) (culpable homicide not amounting to murder), 88 (act not intended to cause death), 120 (B) (party to criminal conspiracy) and 34 (acts done by several persons in furtherance of a common intention) “and other provisions of the Indian Penal Code and under Disaster Management Act, 2005”.
The IBA, in it’s first legal notice, claimed the drug, “has brought back few critically ill COVID-19 patients from the doors of death” by citing three case studies of “miraculous recovery of critically ill COVID-19 patients,” from the U.S. It also claimed that the Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) treatment guidelines recommend the use of the drug in mild and moderate patients.
The notice accused Swaminathan of deliberately dismissing the drug, “in desperate hope to dissuade people of India from discovering the effectiveness of Ivermectin and that they keep falling sick and are available as a huge market,” for newer drugs that may be given Emergency Use Authorisation (EUA).
The notice stated – “You (Swaminathan) have abused your position as the Chief Scientist at WHO to adversely influence the people including medical doctors and scientists, by trying to impose upon them the fact that WHO does not support the use of Ivermectin either as prophylactic or in treatment of COVID-19, it seems that you have deliberately opted for deaths of people to achieve your ulterior goals.”
The second legal notice states that Tedros and his colleague Swaminathan are executing a criminal conspiracy hellbent on preventing people from returning to normality.
‘It seems that, in order to save yourself and the other accused involved in the larger conspiracy and to cause wrongful gain to the Pharma Mafia and others, you have executed this criminal conspiracy to deprive the people of India of panacea like Ivermectin and possibly some other drugs too and you three Notices are hell bent on preventing people from returning to semblance of normalcy. The further game plan of your group is to keep the public reeling under constant fear and further push them into the poverty. The conspiracy is being executed with the full knowledge that there are massive loss of lives of common people, which is nothing but a clear case of cold blooded mass murders i.e. genocide.’
‘It is crystal clear that You Noticee 1 & 2 do not have scientific evidence except jugglery of words and you are thoroughly intellectually dishonest people who are playing with the lives and livelihood of the common people across the world.
However, in order to expose your intellectual dishonesty to the entire world, this notice is being served, calling for an explanation within 7 days of the receipt of this notice.’
The Director General and Chief Scientist of the WHO have until the 20th June 2021 to respond.