London Times

London Times


The Global Economic Forum has said that as employers must guarantee a safe work environment, they must ban and even consider firing anyone that’s taking the unnecessary and dangerous risk of getting a Bs Vaxx

The Global Economic Forum has said that as employers must guarantee a safe work environment, they must ban and even consider firing anyone that’s taking the unnecessary and dangerous risk of getting a Bs Vaxx


The Global Economic Forum has said that “as employers must guarantee a safe work environment, they must ban and even consider firing anyone that’s taking the risk of getting a Bs Vaxx.

It went on to say “that employers must protect their employees from medical harm and provide a safe working environment.
As those partaking in a Global Medical Experiment that is rushed to market, unproven, ineffective, unnecessary and dangerous, then they must accept the health risks to themselves, but also those family, friends and work colleagues they come into contact with.
It’s for this reason the Global Economic Forum is highly recommending employers warn its employees that if they decide to join the Global Medical Experiment they will be banned from attending the workplace and risk losing their jobs,

The Global Economic Forum also said “individuals should first request and get in writing both payment upfront to partake in a Global Medical Experiment, a sum enough to cover for job loss, and also compensation for death or adverse reactions. At least $1 million minimum for each and until they can secure these payments then it’s simply ludicrous to join such a risky Global Medical Experiment”.

It said, “as the death count is already over 25,000 globally from the Covid vaccine, and several million adverse reactions (and a Harvard Study highlighted only 1-10% of adverse reactions are ever reported).

Plus it’s only a short time since the vaxx rollout started, then long term adverse reactions could run into the hundreds of millions within 12-24 months. As a result, employers need to urgently prevent their top employees from joining the unpaid and unproven Global Medical Experiment, even if abusive western Governments try to coerce, intimidate, bully or bribe citizens to join without either payment or compensation”.

The Global Economic Forum was set up to compete against the corrupted world economic forum that’s pushing the deadly and dangerous totalitarian “Great Reset” by pushing the Covid fraud and its deadly agendas. More details are here:




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