1 Million or More Dead. Their Screams Are Being Silenced by the Media
1 Million or More Dead. Their Screams Are Being Silenced by the Media
By DisclosureLibrary
Here’s what others had to say:
there is no co..d 19, if you can’t isolate the so called virus which they haven’t, so therefore there is no co..d 19 it is influenza , why do you think they started to “can” the use of antibiotics from when maybe 5 years back, its all planned.
They are only not held liable if its a vaccine which it is not. 90% of it is poison mixed with other shit. Nothing in it immunizes.
How many good reports like yours are wasted by that stupid ‘Nazi Germany’ comparison.
And WHO is pulling the strings of those in charge? Where do ALL the rabbit holes bottom out?
@6:15 … this vaccine, is a bio-weapon, and is a total success.
It’s antisemitic to question the JEW-JAB
We dont know anything about the “numbers”. That’s a fact.