London Times

London Times

State of Affairs

ICYMI: ‘If Someone Breaks in My House, They’re Getting Shot’: Harris Makes Gun Joke in Front of School Shooting Victim

ICYMI: ‘If Someone Breaks in My House, They’re Getting Shot’: Harris Makes Gun Joke in Front of School Shooting Victim

By RT News

US presidential candidate Kamala Harris confirmed that she owns a gun during an interview with Oprah Winfrey, and joked about using the weapon to shoot intruders in her home. The vice president said any intruder at her home “is getting shot,” right after hearing about a girl gunned down at her school.

While gun ownership in America is common, the timing of Harris’ remarks was bizarre. Her ‘Unite for America’ rally in Michigan, which was hosted by Winfrey to boost the Hollywood elite voters.

That cackle alone would scare anyone away…

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