London Times

London Times


Attorney Thomas Renz Has Absolute Proof Murder Was Committed by Vaxxine Companies

Attorney Thomas Renz Has Absolute Proof Murder Was Committed by Vaxxine Companies

By Drwelch

Here’s what others had to say:

Definitely murder charges should of been long time ago

yellow star 13

Lynda Kyle
CANADIAN TRUCKERS YOU ARE HEROES: Trudeau is a coward and a LIAR. 2
years ago he told Canadians to stay home 2 weeks to flatten the curve.
Now 2 years later after he blackmailed millions of Canadians to take the
JAB caused many injuries and Deaths, bankrupted thousands of Canadians
due to Lockdowns, he is also going after YOUR CHILDREN, Trudeau is a RACIST who is trying to divide you into Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed by making false statements like “THIS IS A PANDEMIC OF THE UNVAXXINATED” even though the CDC and WHO confirmed that the VAXXINE does not work to stop infection and the vaxxed are getting infected and dying from Covid and also Natural immunity is superior to Vaxxine immunity. Unvaxxed people without visible symptoms WILL NOT INFECT YOU its a FACT. The Unvaxxinated made the right choice to stay organic and not take the risk of the proven side effects of the Vaxxine and more important to stay HUMAN and NOT INTERFERE WITH THEIR GENES. The Vaxxinated are nice people who were coerced into vaxxination, were told take one shot Jansen or 2 shot Phiser and you will go back to normal, Now they are coerced into taking endless boosters due to endless variants etc.


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