London Times

London Times

State of Affairs

Situation Update, Mar 1, 2022 – How To Survive a Cyber Attack Takedown of America

Situation Update, Mar 1, 2022 – How To Survive a Cyber Attack Takedown of America

By Health Ranger Report

Here’s what others had to say:

Jesus I Trust in You
Hi, Mike-please go a step further and come up with a way to fertilize hydroponic system with some natural compounds, rather than solution A and B. In case of emergency, we will not have access to these A and B fertilizers. Greatly appreciated your input.

Richard J Johnson
Putin is now the head of the spear of the anti-Globalist movement. If you support Ukraine, you are supporting Soros and the Globalists. Period.

YOU Are Never SAFE OnLine

Junk silver is 90% pure. Rest is copper. One thousand silver Roosevelt dimes (1964 or earlier) has 71.5 ounces of pure silver.

Get some MMS/Chlorine dioxide. Make sure you listen to Mike upcoming episode on it!

Sandra Gearhart
If I were you, in a grid down situation using silver coins, I definitely would give the store less than what they’re worth today, because they’re guaranteed to skyrocket soon, maybe even being worth hundreds or thousands per coin.

J. C. Lepley
Love the challenge.


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