London Times

London Times

State of Affairs

Justin Trudeau Gets His A** Verbally Whooped in Front of the Entire EU Parliament, Twice

Justin Trudeau Gets His A** Verbally Whooped in Front of the Entire EU Parliament, Twice


Following Justin Trudeau claiming the Freedom Convoy was nothing more than a “fringe minority,” the Prime Minister would invoke the Emergencies Act as the peaceful protesters took over Ottawa, demanding the COVID-19 mandates end. Trudeau not only allowed the government to take control of protester’s bank accounts, but he sent law enforcement into the city, fashioned with riot gear, to disband the group. It should be noted that this is the same Prime Minister who stood beside the Black Lives Matter movement.

Still, with Trudeau claiming to be on the side of democracy, German MP Christine Anderson blasted him for being able to speak in the European Parliament.

In the video below, Anderson said, “Based on article 195, I would like to point out that it would have been appropriate for Mr. Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, to address this house, according to article 144. An article, which was specifically designed to debate the violations of human rights, democracy, and the rule of law which is clearly the case with Mr. Trudreau.”

That was just the beginning, as the MP also shamed Trudeau for admiring the Chinese dictatorship, stating he is a “disgrace for any democracy. Please spare us your presence.”



Anderson completely shredding the Prime Minister wasn’t the first harsh reality check for Trudeau as Croatian MEP Mislav Kolakusic also held him accountable. He said, “We watched how you trample women with horses, how you block the bank accounts [of citizens]… To you, these may be liberal methods, but for many citizens of the world, it is a dictatorship of the worst kind.”

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