London Times

London Times


Australian Immunisation Register (Air) – Ceasing Correspondence and Release of Information Form (IM017)

Australian Immunisation Register (Air) – Ceasing Correspondence and Release of Information Form (IM017)

By Services Australia

Use this form to advise the Australian Immunisation Register you don’t want to receive correspondence or share information with vaccination providers.

AIR records

Vaccination providers can see your immunisation history on the AIR unless you choose not to share it. If you have a child under 14, you can also control who sees their record. If you choose not to share your immunisation history, your GP can’t see it.

This form is to opt out of sharing information with vaccination providers.

You’re still eligible to receive immunisations. Information about your immunisations will still be reported to the AIR due to mandatory reporting requirements of vaccination providers.

AIR reminder letters

We’ll send you reminder letters at certain times throughout your life.

Parents will also get reminder letters for their children under 14 who are overdue for immunisations.

Download and complete the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) – ceasing correspondence and release of information form.

This PDF is fillable. You can fill it out on your device, or print it and complete it by hand.