London Times

London Times


The World Is Divided Between Those of Us Who Accept Responsibility and Those Who Don’t

The World Is Divided Between Those of Us Who Accept Responsibility and Those Who Don’t

By LauraAboli

I believe the world is divided between those of us that have always understood that our life is our responsibility and those that somehow feel the world owes them something, a strange mix of self-entitlement and dependency.

It is generally those of us that understand our lives are up to us, that tend to wake up sooner, probably because we have a greater sense of freedom and independence, so we don’t take kindly to being told what to do and even less to being told what we can’t do.

It seems that for society to function, there needs to be all types of people; those that follow and those that lead, but I dream of a society where neither of those types are necessary. One where we lead ourselves to our own destinies and we follow only our instinct and intuition, that which is guided by the Creator.

No leading, no following, simply free, sovereign beings, living in cooperation and community with the outmost respect for each other and the nature that sorrounds us.

I know it sounds like utopia, but what if it’s possible? What if the only reason we don’t think humanity is able to exist in such harmony is because we have been living under evil’s control since Eve took a bite of that damned apple?

I live in the hope that one day we will be allowed to live without evil’s reign, I have a feeling my utopian dream of free, sovereign humans, living in cooperation, respect and harmony is possible under the right circumstances, we have simply never been given the chance.

I pray we will get our chance. Let’s never give up on that dream.


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