The Pandemic Myth
The Pandemic Myth
Since the beginning of the “pandemic” I have been asking all and sundry, who propagate the covid theory for evidence of the existence of this “virus” and have been provided none.
I have been asking for proof of what a virus is and discovered that this “science” is not settled and is mostly speculative on the part of those propagating and profiting off the theory.
Recently a brave soul, washed in years of university indoctrination (some call it education) pointed to a Melbourne University Study that claimed to have isolated the Sars-Cov-2 virus. Not a page into the report and even for a layman like me it was clear that they were simply using genome sequencing and had only isolated it in silico, viz., virtually, not in substance.
Never mind that the world has gone mad on an idea.
So how to establish a causation of a disease when the hypothesised cause can’t even be isolated, what to speak of asking basic questions about the logical fact that most who tested positive of the virtual virus don’t have severe acute respiratory syndrome. It appears that minimal correlation is enough to justify causation.
Anyway, we need to backpaddle before we enter the fantastical and illogical house of myriad assumptive cards that the shaky pandemic is built on.
When I state or share information that says things like “Disease doesn’t come from without, it arises from within”, “Virus/germ theory is just that, a theory”, or “virus theory is a scam”, I am met with a barrage of argument. Well, in the opponents eyes it seems like an argument but is usually just assumptions begging the question right back to that foundational assumption that the myth of the pandemic is built on: the contagious virus.
So, what exactly is a virus? What defines it and how can we know it exists? Is it alive or dead? And if it does exist, by which unequivocal evidence must prove, then can such a thing be the cause of disease; and if it is to be blamed for a disease what are the exceptions to it causing a disease; and if these exceptions are significant at which point do they become the rule, overruling the theory that the virus is the cause of the disease?
But am I getting ahead of myself again?
Are these scientific questions?
Should I, a layman, be even asking such questions?
My assertion is that I must ask such questions and insist that it is my best interests to do so. I need not seek permission to seek answers.
Further questions arise:
Does holding a university degree in a particular field (like virology) qualify me to understand the answers or would such be an inhibitor?
What is knowledge and how may I recognise knowledge if I am presented it?
So before discussing virology should we be discussing epistemology?
Another field I may be a layman in!
Should we just go to google, sorry Duck Duck Go or other more reliable search engines and gather some information? What is the mechanism by which we can know something, that it exists and if it exists then what are all the nuances behind such existence, viz, not taking something at face value? Are we just gaining information or are we gaining knowledge?
A simple method to acquire knowledge is to approach the knower, and this is the premise of schools, universities, religious institutions etc.; that there is a preceptor, and the student approaches the teacher submissively, abides by the curriculum, behaves studiously, asks questions, clarifies understanding and meets the tests set to verify knowledge.
There are issues with this approach such as, if we don’t know, how to know the knower? So, we take a recommendation – then how do we know if the teacher is bona fide? Fair questions in a world of the cheaters and the cheated.
There must be some evidence, some satisfaction within the student, some inherent ability to recognise and understand truth; and if it isn’t true, then how can it be called knowledge?
So, there is experience, the proof of the pudding so to speak. The teacher guides one to experience the truth of the subject and through experience the student may understand. Without experience it is just theoretical and whilst theory may be an element of the process for gaining knowledge it cannot be called knowledge in and of itself.
This leads to the other method of acquiring knowledge, experience. As it is said “Experience is the greatest teacher, and a fool learns by no other way”.
The best approach is to hear from someone with knowledge, apply the teaching and gain experience. It is a shortcut. Trying to work it out on your own can be painful, filled with pitfalls and maybe futile.
How many of us have done some DIY at home and the first thing we generally reach for when we are stuck on something is the phone, do a quick search and find someone teaching how to do a thing and then off we go, fumbling through the task. Without the teacher we may not have solved the problem and still be faced with a half-renovated bathroom six months later.
One may say that the quality of our knowledge is represented by the quality of our experience, and this may all hinge on the quality of our teacher.
What we are seeing play out before us with the “pandemic” is an information war being cast like a spell upon the world.
Information is not knowledge.
But those who are slaves to sense gratification are not too concerned with acquiring knowledge. If their senses can be satisfied, then they will go along chewing grass in the paddock unaware that the truck is coming in two weeks to take them to the slaughterhouse. Unless one can arouse in such a biped the desire to rise above the base activities of eating, sleeping, mating and defending they may never lift their head from the dog bowl to care for much else. They are satisfied with the comfort blanket that the voices on the TV portray to them by constantly frightening them and providing solutions, or apparent solutions within a structured paradigm of thoughts and ideas; an indoctrinated matrix of the mind.
This kind of person mistakes information for knowledge and are proud of what little they know. Generally, good qualities are hard to find in such people. Their level of discrimination doesn’t get much higher than “I like this, I don’t like that”, acceptance and rejection; like a pig who prefers fresh hot stool, over cold hard stool.
Then there are the persons who may have some interest in knowledge but only in so far as it serves a more sophisticated style of sense gratification. You’ll find these people at universities and colleges, at “self-development” seminars, networking at business or special interest groups etc… Often, these people wish to win. To conquer material nature and enjoy. In an argument they will use any method at their disposal to “win” the argument. Their lives are ruled by desire, and they are oft thinking about the future and how their life will look when they have this or that. They spend a great deal of their lives in hope and the rest in disappointment (if only this and that); whereas, for the first type of person, it is mostly disappointment.
Then there are the rare souls who seek knowledge for truth’s sake. They are interested in the truth of things, the substance behind the form and for this they may sacrifice all manner of sense gratification in the pursuit of knowledge. And if they achieve their goal of mastery of a subject, they may experience continued happiness. This person is genuine and filled with humility, the first symptom of knowledge. They tend to be forgiving and kind and do not wish to kill you just because you disagree with them. They have a very developed level of discrimination and do not mistake information for knowledge. They understand that knowledge is a tool by which the result of, are improved actions and genuinely better experiences.
Knowing this, we may see that in the current society we are living, the so-called leaders are not promoting the systematic improvement of the population. They are predominantly engaged in keeping people at the lowest level of conscious development. To do this they continually push misinformation on the masses, enabled by their development and control exerted over the educational, health, astronomical, religious and military institutions corrupted by a for profit, pie in the sky economical system used to serve questionable agendas that one may say, are only meant for destruction.
We have come a little way from the initial questions posed. This column (exclusive to ANR and its sister publications) will explore much further the questions posed and more in coming articles.
For now, we can sit with this topic of acquiring knowledge and understand, that the greatest difficulty the world faces is in finding reliable teachers and qualified preceptors who can present genuine knowledge.
Remembering theory is something that explains knowledge before experience is acquired and is not meant as a tool to promote something that has no basis and mislead the lower classes of human in to believing theory is fact.
Those who profit from the ignorance of the masses through exploiting them left, right and centre use these tactics day in day out.
The myth of the pandemic, and I am using myth to mean illusion, is perpetrated on a theory that has not been shown to have any basis. That theory is virus (germ) theory. From this myth everything else is being carried out. The theory is evidence lacking, therefore illusory, fantastical, imaginative, in silico.
What oft happens in a debate on this subject is that the person perpetrating the myth will want to lead the discussion off into all manner of premise built off the underlying assumption, that the myth is real. However, it may very well be that the global pandemic that is killing thousands, destroying economies, ravaging human rights and justifying totalitarianism is naught more than an in silico “virus”, a computer program of genome sequencing, based off an unproven and highly contested virus theory of contagion.
In other words, the world may just have been captured and thrown into turmoil by an idea; an idea repeated, over and over, again and again through thousands of voices and words around the world in a highly sophisticated network of propaganda.
And like a dog chasing its tail with the idea it will soon catch it, the masses have been deceived and are running towards “safety and freedom”; more words, more ideas, more myths.