London Times

London Times


In the Netherlands, they Keep Two Sets of Books for the COVID Vaccines

In the Netherlands, they Keep Two Sets of Books for the COVID Vaccines

The dataset that they give researchers has people who were vaccinated and died removed. This makes the vaccine seem safe. Do any Dutch health authorities have a problem with that? Apparently not.

Main Observations
Data Corruption – Records for 878K+ people who since their vaccination died or emigrated have been removed from the version that was made available to researchers.

Double Ledger – at the Dutch Statistics Bureau: They maintain a (hidden) version of the vaccination database next to a version available to researchers;

Main Conclusions
As a consequence, the findings of all studies on COVID vaccine effectiveness that made use of this vaccination database paint an overly optimistic picture. Publications from these studies should all be retracted or corrected

Because all scientific evidence is now demonstrably based on corrupt data, the Dutch government therefore no longer acts in conformity with its international obligations inter alia ex art 2 ECHR (or full informed consent) when claiming that the experimental Covid vaccines are universally safe and effective.

In a just society, the vaccines should be withdrawn from the market and the authorities who did this should be held accountable.

But hey, we aren’t living in a just society, are we?

Full article
You can read the full article here.

With this article, I produce evidence for data-corruption in the vaccination database at the government in The Netherlands. If this data-corruption was caused on purpose, we are facing data-fraud.
Left or right, the implications are substantial.

Main Observations:
  1. Data Corruption – Records for 878K+ people who since their vaccination died or emigrated have been removed from the version that was made available to researchers.
  2. Double Ledger – at the Dutch Statistics Bureau: They maintain a (hidden) version of the vaccination database next to a version available to researchers;
Main Conclusions:
  1. As a consequence, the findings of all studies on COVID vaccine effectiveness that made use of this vaccination database paint an overly optimistic picture. Publications from these studies should all be retracted or corrected;
  2. Because all scientific evidence is now demonstrably based on corrupt data, the Dutch government therefore no longer acts in conformity with its international obligations inter alia ex art 2 ECHR (or full informed consent) when claiming that the experimental Covid vaccines are universally safe and effective.
The vaccines have to be withdrawn from the market.


In December 2021, Parlement member @PieterOmtzigt filed a motion in which he called for independent academic research into the excess mortality occurring in The Netherlands since the vaccine roll out in 2021. His motion was accepted unanimously.

This meant that the vaccination database (CIMS, owned by the National Health Institute @rivm) needed to be made available to researchers. In this database, each dose administered is registered at person-level, along with batch- and other details. 93% of the people who received a first dose gave permission for registration. [1]

Since December 2021, the Dutch government has tried to sabotage transparant access to this database. It took them more than a year to come up with a trick: “Let’s transfer the records to the Dutch Statistics Bureau @statistiekCBS, and have them make it available via CBS Microdata Services, but only to accredited researchers”.

For this transfer of vaccination records, the Dutch Statistics Bureau produced a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) [2]. For this article, I created a google translated copy in English. [3]

Observation 1: Data Corruption, Part One:

On page 9 it clearly states that vaccinated persons, who have died or emigrated are NOT included in the data transfer towards the Statistics Bureau. This led to strong debate in Parlement, where the responsible Health Minister Ernst Kuipers answered questions from member @PvanHouwelingen as follows [4]:

“Unfortunately, it has become apparent that the DPIA you received contains an error. The wording in the DPIA seems, as you rightly point out, to indicate that deceased persons and unvaccinated persons cannot be included in the excess mortality study. However, this is incorrect. Both groups are indeed part of various datasets (including CIMS [the vaccination database], mortality register, cause of death data) that are accessible to researchers within the excess mortality study under strict conditions within the secure research environment of CBS. CBS and RIVM have indicated that they will adjust this passage in the DPIA.”

All that the Health Minister basically said here, is that dead people can be found in the mortality register. It is still possible that deceased people are not in the CIMS database. The Minister’s response only clarifies that deceased individuals are part of various datasets used in the study, including the CIMS, but it does not explicitly confirm whether deceased individuals are directly recorded in CIMS itself. This leaves room for the possibility that the CIMS database might not include deceased individuals, even though they are part of the study through other datasets. Unfortunately, no-one in Parlement caught this deception.





Observation 1: Data Corruption, Part Two:

The national health institute @rivm published a weekly overview of the number of administered covid vaccinations [1]. The report also included the cumulative total of administered first doses.

Because I have kept track of this data weekly in recent years, I was able to make the following analyses based on all historical publications:

The graph shows the cumulative total number of first doses administered, as reported weekly in the past by @rivm.

Figure 2: Total number of 1st doses administered in NL

Note how on May 23, 2022, the cumulative total is suddenly adjusted downwards, from 13472817 to 12884602.

A reduction of 588215 first doses. Because a person can only receive a first dose once, we see a reduction of more than half a million people.

While looking for the cause of this reduction, I came across this news item [2], somewhere on the @rivm website with the title: “COVID-19 vaccination figures more up-to-date due to optimised monitoring”
A quote from this message shows what such an ‘optimization’ entails:

“As of today, people who were vaccinated, but later died or emigrated from the Netherlands, will no longer be included in the vaccination figures. This provides a more up-to-date overview of vaccination coverage in the current Dutch population.”

This is bizarre. Although I can imagine that when calculating a current vaccination rate, you want to assume living people living in the Netherlands, it is of course completely nonsensical to no longer include deceased people in the absolute number of injections administered.

The figure below shows how, after 23 May 2022, the number of first vaccinations was adjusted downwards on a weekly basis. In other words, how deceased and/or emigrated persons were removed from the vaccination database.


Figure 3: Weekly reduction in the cumulative total number of 1st doses administered


Observation 1: Data Corruption, Part Three

Similar to the Dutch weekly publication of vaccination data, I’ve been following the publications from the European Center of Disease Control @ecdc. ECDC maintains a vaccination dashboard where they publish a dataset that includes statistics for all EU member states. [1]

Here too, I see a pattern in the historical downloads I performed, that provides evidence for the fact that records have been removed from the Dutch vaccination database.

The figure above shows how the cumulative total number of first doses has been reported historically. Every line is a download I performed. In the download of 14 May 2022, ECDC reports 13469323 first doses.

Figure 4: Visualising records removal over various download moments of ECDC vaccination data for NL

Notice how in every download since then, the total number of first doses is going down. Latest available download was on October 1, 2023, showing 12576412 first doses administered.

This reduction of first doses, shows evidence for the fact that the records for 892911 people have been removed from the vaccine registration (because they died and/or emigrated).

After a tip from @rivm, my attention was drawn on a so-called Country Disclaimer of The Netherlands, shown in the Notes-tab of the ECDC dashboard. (Note: this disclaimer is not easy to find…) The disclaimer is shown in the screenshot below.

Quote: “Doses administered to people who are since deceased or have emigrated are not included in the reported doses, i.e., data from these persons are currently also (incorrectly) removed from historical vaccine coverage estimates. This leads to an underestimation of the historical vaccine coverage. This will be corrected in the next upload.”

The promised correction never took place…

Figure 5: Country Disclaimer of The Netherlands at the ECDC

  • Historical versions of the full dataset can be obtained via:*/

    . Make sure to also check the XLSX, JSON and XML types.

Observation 1: Data Corruption, Part Four:

Because the observations in Parts One to Three above do not provide evidence for the fact that the records removal also took place in the CIMS vaccination database at the Dutch Statistics Bureau, I asked them to provide me with a details count of the number of people inside this database.

The answer is in a spreadsheet, published by the Dutch statistics bureau [1]. marked in red: 12594932 persons with at least one dose.

Figure 6: Total number of people in the Vaccination Database at the Dutch Statistics Bureau

This is evidence, for the fact that the CIMS vaccination database -as made available to researchers via CBS Microdata Services- is missing 878 thousand records of people who died and/or emigrated since januari 2021 until januari 2024.

The Dutch government deliberately and systematically removed vaccination records.

I write ‘deliberately’ because this is by design. This process of deletions cq filtering out, was designed in early 2022, following the pressure resulting from a unanimously accepted motion by parlement member Omtzigt. Designing such a proces, makes it deliberate.

I write ‘systematic’ because they did so every single week, consistently and by means of a carefully designed process.

Knowingly and willingly obfuscating unfavourable data is datafraud 101.

Past Health Ministers, @CBScommunicatie incl. CBS representative here on X (@rubenivangaalen) categorically deny. They had a chance to correct the ‘error’ I informed them early this year. Until finally, some honest employees at @statistiekCBS published the truth. [1]


Observation 2: Double Ledger

In analysing pages 12 and 13 of the Data Protection Impact Assessment document (see observation 1, part one), I read that there are two instances of the CIMS vaccination database inside the Dutch Statistics Bureau @statistiekCBS.

In an attempt to clarify how I come to this conclusion, I annotated the text of the section ‘Phase 3’ on pages 12 and 13 in the picture below:

Figure 6: Pages 12-13 of the DPIA

Research, commissioned by Minister VWS @ministerVWS and in accordance with the extensive list of research objectives as specified under heading ‘A’, can only be carried out using version ‘A’. This is the version of the CIMS vaccination register within the highly secured environment of CBS to which only specially authorised CBS employees have access.

The space for research under heading ‘B’ is limited to “social and economic consequences” and “causes and reasons for excess mortality”. Please note: A possible link between excess mortality and vaccinations is NOT stated here as an objective.

Research for the objectives under heading ‘A’ can only be carried out with authorised access to version A. Research under heading ‘B’ can only be carried out on version B and NOT on version A, as is literally stated on pages 12 and 13 of the DPIA.

Note that the research objectives described under heading ‘B’ can only be carried out on a vaccination database where the records of 878 thousand vaccinated people are missing, who died of emigrated since vaccination.

To what extent version A of the vaccination database differs or is more complete than version B, remains unknown since (obviously) I have no access to version A of the vaccination database.

Could this happen in the US? It appears so.
I received this email from one of my followers just now:

That’s what the CDC did with the VAERS I submitted on my daughter who she died. The CDC even acknowledged having received my VAERS submission, and gave me condolences on her death, and then proceeded to destroy my submission.

You aren’t supposed to remove data like this. You are supposed to leave it in and if needed, tag it. Corrupting the data like this and giving it to researchers should be criminal because it leads to erroneous analysis and to people being killed as a result.

I predict there won’t be any investigations. But I thought you should know about it. It’s important we have a public record of this.

The same data corruption issues are probably happening in other countries as well.

In Iceland, I’ve heard they are honest about the data. If you know of anyone I can contact there to get some data transparency, let me know. Population there is under 400K, but there should be thousands of people killed by the COVID shots.




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