Why Is the Good News From South Africa About ‘Omicron’ Ignored in the U.S.?
Why Is the Good News From South Africa About ‘Omicron’ Ignored in the U.S.?
By Ron Paul
Here’s what others had to say:
Tim Bard
And Australia! We’re into masking again in NSW, really stupid! Whatever happened to science?
Nadia du Toit
Because it doesn’t fit their fear mongering tactics.
Mike Corneau
“Never let a good crisis go to waste ” Winston Churchill !
Steven J. Harris
We heard about it in the msm, nice try though.
Doug Huffer
Why have you ignored all the bad news for the last 2 years?
Peter Owens
This government has nothing to offer it’s people but lies.
Aaron Meyer
So they’re just pulling the plug on people so they get more cash