Tucker: People Will Die Because of This
Tucker: People Will Die Because of This
By Fox News
Here’s what others had to say:
King Jack U peace
As a retired aviation veteran of the military, of 30+ years, one thing that is always missed is actually teaching people to hold themselves accountable. Personal responsibility in every facet of today’s industry, no matter what it is, saves the industry, but more importantly, lives. Proper training is the next big piece of the puzzle pushed aside. The ones who pay are the ones who neglected just what I said above.
Go Long
I interviewed at Atlas in 2013. During the interview I was asked how am I any better than the others. While being humble I explained that I graduated a military pilot training program and that I had really good hands. The Human Resources guy told me that didn’t matter they would teach me how to turn the autopilot on. I replied that it did matter. Despite having flown C-5s for15 years as a pilot plus having been a C-5 Loadmaster for five years I received a rejection letter in the mail. And I feel that I am very blessed for having been denied that privilege.
Mark Alford
This is just crazy I’m a retired airline mechanic I didn’t realize it was getting this bad . In the old days the only ones in the cockpit had thousands of hours of military time before ever getting in the captains chair this is down right scary.
Tom Alexander
As someone who worked as an instructor for United and has flown as a commercial pilot for many years I can attest to the fact that sadly, too many pilots in the cockpit are there because of what they are not who they are. I know too many good pilots who have been turned down for employment because they did not fit into one of the quota categories. In other words they are white and male and generally heterosexual so they were sent packing…….United (aka YONITED) and Delta are most famous for this as was Northwest with their “hit squads”. It will get more people killed!!!
Herly Sarmiento
Having worked for an airline 6 years I was always surprised how they managed to hire people with a liberal lefty mindset even in a conservative state. Leadership was especially all about “diversity”. I am Latino, so I clearly recognized the hiring of less than qualified individuals based on company self imposed diversity quotas even in admin and customer service areas where I worked. In my view this is a systemic Industry wide problem that now has produced fatalities.
As an airline pilot, I can tell you this is true. My roommate was told by HR to check the block “Hispanic” to guarantee his chances of being hired at a major airline. I flew with a female pilot in the simulator who was hopelessly lost in the air, even after the instructor paused the simulator & tried to help her. Another female pilot, flying (for real) into Washington DC, had a hard time figuring out which way to turn to find the airport on a clear day visual approach. In the Navy, same story. Hire the best, please, not the most PC.
Glenn Krieger
This is happening in the medical field also. Medical schools are accepting people at the highest level ever even if they don’t have the qualifications. Both I, and my son, have gone to medical school and we both have noticed this.
When I went there were 10 people accepted who started medical school 3 months in advance so that they could get caught up with the rest of the people. Interestingly, in this case, none of the 10 finished medical school. However, that was in the 90’s.
Now my son tells me of how ridiculous this has become, and that nowadays these people are going to graduate no matter what. It’s just a matter of time in the future before your medical care folks start making big mistakes. And the quality of your life will surely depend on the size of these mistakes. Including mistakes leading to the end of your quality of life, and even your life itself.
Tracey Myers
Same thing is happening in the medical field with nurses. It doesn’t matter so much that you know what you’re doing, it matters that you are the right color or nationality to make our hospital ‘colorful’!
Sam Ciesinski
This is happening in trucking too. I was an instructor for one of the big companies and they have lowered their standards and pushed out the people that cared about teaching properly just to meet quotas.
Plus, most of the trucking schools only teach people how to get a license and nothing more.