London Times

London Times

State of Affairs

Schwarzenegger to Anti-masker: Sh*t on Your Freedom!

Schwarzenegger to Anti-masker: Sh*t on Your Freedom!

By Vivoterra | World

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The Terminator has a message for Americans who argue that mask mandates interfere with their rights: “Screw your freedom,” the former California governor said – “Because with freedom comes obligations and responsibilities.” (RT)

Arnold knows perfectly well that there is no “virus”. Arnold is well enough informed through his secret lodges. Arnold is an abysmal evil man.

Adolf sorry Arnold says: “There is a virus and it kills people.”

Why doesn’t Arnold say that his WHO lets 24’000 children starve to death every day and give as a reason that there is not enough food on the planet – the world is overpopulated – aha – and that’s why they want to vaccinate everyone to save everyone – and that’s why they promote so blatantly sugar, cola, fast food – because it is so healthy.


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