London Times

London Times

State of Affairs

IT WAS ALL A SETUP… Brazil Uprising Update: Protesters Who Set Bus on Fire Were All Former Felons – Dressed as Bolsonaro Supporters

IT WAS ALL A SETUP… Brazil Uprising Update: Protesters Who Set Bus on Fire Were All Former Felons – Dressed as Bolsonaro Supporters

By Jim Hoft

A man identified as Celso Sodré de Souza Cardoso, allegedly a provocateur

Video has emerged, as repored earlier, showing presumed infiltrators among protestors in Brasilía Monday night, when five busses and six cars were torched,

Following the brutal arrest of indigenous leader José Acácio Serere Xavante by Federal Police in front of his wife and children Monday for the crime of protesting, violence broke out in the Brazilian capital, with Bolsonaro supporters allegedly attempting to storm police HQ and free Xavante.


Now, this…

The men who set the bus on fire on Monday night were all felons. They were dressed as Bolsonaro supporters. It was all a setup.

From the tweet below, translated: The Prime Minister arrested three vagabonds and confessed to the District Police Station that they received them. R$ 200.00 from one of the PT Leaders in Brasilia to set a bus on fire. The elements are in custody at the DP.

The criminals who set fire to Brasília were all inmates.

The communists are up to their old tricks.

Bolsonaro supporters stated on social networks that the acts of vandalism in Brasilia were committed by “infiltrators” in the protests. A video seemed to show agents provocateurs torching a bus in Brasilía, shouting “Bolsonaro out!”, “Son of a bitch!” and “Fascist!”

Photos identified a young man, allegedly named Celso Sodré de Souza Cardoso, first dressed as an Indio,  then wearing a gas mask even before tear gas was deployed by police, and then helping instigate a riot.


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