London Times

London Times

State of Affairs

Hilarious upload from Paul Joseph Watson – Idiots React to Trump’s Twitter Return

Hilarious upload from Paul Joseph Watson – Idiots React to Trump’s Twitter Return

By Paul Joseph Watson

Here’s what others had to say:

People are just re-tweeting Trump’s old tweets and it’s sending people into a tailspin of cope and seethe hysteria. It’s hilarious.

It’s bizarre to me how so many people can be so furious over the idea of allowing others to… speak.

Howard Smith
I find it fascinating how those screaming loudest about “democracy” are eagerly demanding the suppression of alternative voices they disagree with. I don’t think they understand the meaning of the word.

nancy gentili
I just wanted to tell you how much I love your videos! I’m an American living in Italy. Youtube is my connection to the world…but I’m pretty particular about what I choose to watch. You are in my top 5…and you’re in pretty good company! Thank you for calling out the insanity surrounding us all!

Mikey My
Didn’t a judge rule Trump wasn’t allowed to block people on Twitter because they would essentially be excluded from the public square? Yet keeping him off Twitter when he’s announced he is running again in 2024 is fine by them.

Thank you all who voted yes! Keep strong, dont ler depression take you down. Do what you like, spend time with people you love and battle against this mad world. Out succes is their loss. Stay stong and work hard brothers and sisters, trump’s account back on Twitter is small step, no it is yout turn!

Neko Sinner
What’s even funnier is that Trump hasn’t even returned to twitter and may even not yet still people are having a meltdown.

Daniel Private
I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump only used his Twitter account to direct traffic to his posts on Truth. That’s what I would do.

Love how the argument “it’s a private company they can do what they want” doesn’t work anymore.

Alain Tremaine
Poor Dash, David, Jonathan and Shannon! Yet more lost souls suffering from TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome). I am glad Elon chose to honor the formerly banned former president with a reinstatement poll. I am glad Trump shared his return. I am also glad Lord Watson chose to share this piece of news with us. Keep up the good work!

Wild J
I don’t use Twitter and have no plans to start. That being said, their reaction is the exact reason I wanted PRESIDENT Trump reinstated.


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