Would You Like a Mentor, Who Has Helped his Clients Make $5 Billion Collectively Guide you Through the Upcoming Financial Crash
Would You Like a Mentor, Who Has Helped his Clients Make $5 Billion Collectively Guide you Through the Upcoming Financial Crash
Meet 21st Century U Founder Jamie McIntyre
I’ve gone from nothing growing up in rural Australia to a high net worth individual, who built an empire of companies turning over $60 million pa by my late 30’s. I spent 15 years lecturing and sharing my financial insights, as well as creating a modern-day 21st Century Education. I hosted millionaires, & billionaires, at my events through to famous Hollywood Actors. I have helped my clients make, now over $5 billion, and eventually was banned in Australia from being able to publicly share my financial insights, especially after I exposed the financial planning industry as a commission-driven fraud to profit from uneducated naive investors. What I was teaching, the Government did not want the average person to utilize. You’ll discover why later. I then dedicated my money and resources to funding not-for-profit causes, such as independent media in Australia, and launched the first newspaper in decades, the Australian National Review. I did this to help my country create much-needed debate, & political change, and help expose the matrix of lies being pushed by mainstream media, often in lockstep with our Government’s. I become targeted by Government agencies as a result, and had my businesses shut down, and tens of millions of assets stolen. I was character assassinated by fake mainstream media outlets, and framed for somehow losing my investor’s money, the idea I would destroy my own land projects and lose 100 times more than my investors being somewhat absurd. But the truth is not something that the elite care for. Stopping threats to exposing their rigged financial system is, though.
Resources: https://www.21stcenturyu.com/#register