London Times

London Times


“The Time Is Now” Quite a Good Documentary By Dr Ben Tapper, Taking You Through The Whole Plandemic And Mass Corruption

“The Time Is Now” Quite a Good Documentary By Dr Ben Tapper, Taking You Through The Whole Plandemic And Mass Corruption

“The time is Now” Quite a good documentary by Dr Ben Tapper, taking you through the whole plandemic and mass corruption. Including lots of speaking out doctors. Not too much for normies and freshers.
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The Time Is Now – Must Watch This!


This is absolutely OUTSTANDING and EVERYONE needs to see this as it is EVIDENCE that proves that Hospitals were KILLING Patients. Great Documentary! Moderna ADMITS on a Recorded Audio that EVERYONE is in an EXPERIMENTAL trial. 58:10 mark to 59:20 mark.

Dr. Ben Tapper, a small town chiropractor who is black and labeled as a member of the “Disinformation Dozen” during the COVID-19 pandemic, rallies together healthcare professionals across America to share an alternate viewpoint of the global narrative.



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