London Times

London Times


Ohio Derailment More Deadly Than Chernobyl, Experts Warn

Ohio Derailment More Deadly Than Chernobyl, Experts Warn

By The Alex Jones Show


Here’s what others had to say:

WEF/NWO caused this destruction they are the enemy of America and those who support these criminals (BIDEN) are the enemys of are country WAKE UP and SEE AMERICANS before its too late.. FJB and the Dem-r-rats they worship this league of Criminals known as the WEF/NWO.

This is not the actions of people who care about the planet. F@&K global warming when they can poison these people and animals and water and land.

Good news. A war against America is a good war and a good American is a dead American.

The globalist eugenesis Satan worshipers received another win. We’re going to be too sick dumb and dying to fight back if we keep playing this waiting game. I’m changing the phrase for “remain peaceful” to “remain harmless”, because now it’s getting ridiculous.
They’re short while it’ll be “remain dead.”

Forever Banned
This is probably payback for Nordstream. The timing couldn’t be more perfect.


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