London Times

London Times


Proof: Lindsey Graham Is Pfizer’s Paid Slut, Ridden Hard for Cash

Proof: Lindsey Graham Is Pfizer’s Paid Slut, Ridden Hard for Cash

By National Times Australia

Lindsey Graham just held a town hall in South Carolina for his subjects. At that town hall, several of his constituents confronted him, and then this happened:

Well, I don’t know if Lindsey Graham is gay like all the rumors say he is. It seems like it, but you never know. But I can state with 100 percent certainty that Lindsey Graham is a whore. A whore for the corporate interests that hijacked the GOP away from an America First agenda for decades. A whore for the military-industrial complex that wants to spend trillions of dollars flattening Middle Eastern countries while they get rich back in the Beltway.

So is it any surprise that Lindsey Graham is an absolute butt-slut for these vaccines that Big Pharma wants injected into everybody?

Everything about Graham is just fraudulent politics of the worst sort. In 2016, he called Donald Trump a ”jackass,” a “race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot,” but as soon as he won he was sucking up to him every day. And the sad part is, it apparently worked. Over and over Graham nudged Trump into delaying or ignoring the 2016 agenda that got him elected in the first place. It was corporate tax cuts instead of the border, “criminal justice reform” instead of trade, and lobbing missiles into Syria instead of getting the U.S. out of the Middle East entirely.

For years, Graham has been working with Democrats to get a massive amnesty for illegal immigrants in this country. He’s still working to do it. He craves it. Maybe Latino rent boy prices are getting too high, I don’t know.


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