More Evidence that the COVID Shots did NOT Reduce Mortality
More Evidence that the COVID Shots did NOT Reduce Mortality
The Lancet paper claimed 20M lives have been saved by the COVID shots. Two data sources (both in public view for years) show the shots were all downside risk.
Executive summary
I’ve been looking for these 20M people and still haven’t found any.
But what I did find is two more authoritative gold-standard sources that confirm that the shots did not reduce COVID mortality.
Previous evidence
- The US Nursing Home data as proof that the COVID shots didn’t reduce COVID death rates in nursing homes
- The JAMA VA study as proof that COVID shots didn’t reduce the risk of hospitalization from COVID
- The Cleveland Clinic study as proof that the COVID shots increased the risk of being infected with COVID
- The lack of any success stories. I couldn’t find a single one.
- The COVID shot failure anecdotes like Apple Valley Village where the all-cause death rate skyrocketed by 8x post shot (and the CFR went from 0% to over 30%) and Jay Bonnar.
Cases and deaths from OWID
Yet despite the data availability, there wasn’t an epidemiologist in the world who would look at it!
What data am I talking about?
The case and death data from Our World in Data!
I extracted that data and plotted the case fatality rate:
The CFR doesn’t drop consistently below the pre-vaccine CFR (.012 in December 2020) until the Omicron variant emerges! That means the vaccines didn’t reduce the CFR which means they don’t prevent deaths. The shots basically had no impact.
Try this on your friends. Show them the plot above, hide the dates, and ask them, “When did the COVID shots roll out and dramatically reduce the CFR?”
In the UK, the COVID death / COVID hospitalization ratio didn’t change at all after the vaccines rolled out. Whoops!
Guess what? No difference! This was pointed more than 2 years ago, but few people noticed:
There were spikes, but the risk of death didn’t go down like it was “supposed to” if the shots worked.
The risk of COVID death didn’t go down at all. This is a huge red flag. Very few people noticed this post when Clare made it over 2 years ago.
But I’m sure that now that I’ve brought it to people’s attention that it will be front page news about how the health authorities conned us into taking a deadly vaccine that had no benefits.
There is a strong correlation between vaccination campaigns and excess death in the Netherlands
And despite the proof of that being in plain sight for years now that anyone could have easily verified, it is rare to hear an apology from anyone who was publicly pushing the shots.
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