FDA Documents Show CV19 Vax Produces a Bioweapon – Karen Kingston 11.6.21
FDA Documents Show CV19 Vax Produces a Bioweapon – Karen Kingston 11.6.21
By Australian National Review
Here’s what others had to say:
Saw the VAERS figures for JUST LAST WEEK, 28 vaccine deaths in children 12 to 17!! Heads should roll! And when one thinks of the countless lives and families that have been tore up by these monsters! Thank you Karen Kingston, thank you Greg Hunter!
I’m beyond angry!! My grandson got this because of what the news and schools are pushing!! I’m a nurse of 51 years and they wouldn’t listen to me. So heart broken!!
Nobody listens to the nurses in their family……until it is too late, and then they want us to find a solution that will fix things
I am so sorry and I feel your anger. I’m so thankful that my kids listened and even though they got vaxed, there is no way they will let their children get these poisonous injections!
Karen Kingston rocks!! I’ve been listening to her for about 8 months now. Love you too Greg. Keep up the good work. We are unvaxxed and will stay that way no matter what. My wife and I trust that Jesus will work it all out in the end. We read the end of “The Book!” God bless my brother and sister in Christ.
The FDA is gaslighting the masses and a fair portion are falling for it. Hook, line, and casket.
The truth is that most people do not think for themselves. I think it is a symptom of Fear of Man.
When you fear man, you seek after his approval instead truth. You do it long enough and your mind turns to mush.
The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.
Karen Kingston is one smart and beautiful lady but most importantly she is a God loving Patriot.
Saw the VAERS figures for JUST LAST WEEK, 28 vaccine deaths in children 12 to 17!! Heads should roll!
Congress isn’t going to do anything, because they (and their families) are EXEMPT from the death jabs, AND they are being provided/treated with Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, while ‘We The People’ are prohibited from receiving those treatments. (And by the way, the illegals invading our Country are also provided with FREE doses of Ivermectin)