Why Support the Fake Jews Printing Fake Money, That Have Used It Against Us To Buy Up the World and Create Wars and Division, and Hatred in Society
Why Support the Fake Jews Printing Fake Money, That Have Used It Against Us To Buy Up the World and Create Wars and Division, and Hatred in Society
By Australian National Review (ANR)
Why support the Fake Jews printing fake money, that has used it against us to buy up the world and create wars and division and hatred in society to keep us divided and conquered, while they as President JFK said “Operate in shadows of our society”.
That would be the Rothschilds and their fraudulent Federal Reserve Banking System and the Rockefeller Foundation that controls the pharmaceutical mafia that’s pushing the Covid fraud to help their eugenics agendas (that’s depopulation agenda’s).
Or support the resistance and collectively cease supporting the criminal elite, and support a new and better world by supporting the resistance.
We don’t need fake people, printing money and charging us and enslaving us, that ultimately belongs to us.
We can now create it ourselves, and fund our own army and police force, and institutions to make the world a better place.
We all have a choice.
Support the resistance or continue to support the criminal elite.
To end the Covid fraud we must stop supporting the Covid fraudsters.