Turbo Cancer Evidence in California
Turbo Cancer Evidence in California
Why is there a >5X rise in cancer cases in California after the COVID vaccines rolled out? I asked the Calif Department of Public Health for an answer. Want to know what they said?
My source extracted the data incorrectly. This article will be revised shortly once I have the correct data. I’m still waiting.
The data download link is disabled until I get the correct information.
It would be nice if they just published this…
Executive summary
Is this normal? Absolutely not! This is a very serious problem.
I’ve asked the California Department of Public Health to explain the numbers. I’ll let you know if I ever hear back. Don’t hold your breath.
Isn’t it awesome that they keep these numbers confidential? And that nobody in the mainstream press will look into this?
Here are the numbers for 640 different cancer diagnoses
I compared the number of cases reported in 2019 vs. 2023 where there were over 20 cases in 2023.
There were 640 categories that met this constraint.
227 categories (35%) were elevated by over 10X.
571 categories (89%) were elevated by over 5X.
You can decide for yourself who the misinformation spreader is.

The data
Cancers with the highest increase

Note that the rates of increase depends on the cancer type. This means that they can’t use the excuse that this is all because people didn’t get treated for their cancers during the Covid lockdowns. That’s just bullshit.
Mechanism of action
Is there something other than the shots that can be causing such a HUGE increase in a HUGE range of cancers post 2021?
The medical community does not want you to know the truth. Neither does the mainstream media.
Nobody wants to talk about it.
They are simply just going to let people die.
Dr. Eric Rubin, an adjunct professor of immunology and infectious diseases at Harvard University and editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine has said “We’re never gonna learn how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it.”
So now we know. And now you know too.
The only question left is “When is the medical community going to start telling the public the truth about how unsafe the COVID vaccines are?”